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The White Hart
51 Stockport Road
T. +44 (0)1457 872 566
Penrhyn Inns Ltd. Registered Company Address: 51 Stockport Road, Lydgate, Oldham OL4 4JJ Registered in England & Wales No. 02894485
When you have made your provisional reservation at The White Hart, you need to contact the Superintendent Registrar at:
Oldham Registry Office,
Chadderton Town Hall,
Middleton Road, Chadderton,
Oldham, OL9 6PP
Telephone 0161 770 8960,
Email: registrars@oldham.gov.uk
Notice must then be given, in person, to the Superintendent Registrar in the area where each member of the couple lives (as soon as possible, but within 12 months of the marriage). This notice must then be collected and delivered, by a member of the couple, to the Registrar attending the ceremony, if not in the Oldham district. Only a non-religious ceremony, music and readings are permitted by the Registrar.
Copyrights for music used and for any readings, etc. is the couple’s responsibility.